Unlike his fellow gym leaders, who each specialize in a single Pokémon type, Raihan focuses his battle strategies on weather conditions, such as sandstorms and harsh sunlight. Raihan's name means 'best one' in Hindi, referring to both the Dragon type's powerful reputation and Raihan's position as the eighth and final Gym Leader in Galar. His name also means 'Heaven's flower' in Arabic. Kibana, his Japanese name, comes from 牙 (kiba, fang). Please help the Pokémon Wiki by expanding it. Raihan is commonly regarded as the most skilled Gym Leader in the Galar region. He has striven for victory in every environment, and as a result, he has adopted a battle style where he utilizes weather effects to their fullest.
It is rumored that he could easily become another region's Champion should he choose to move, but it seems that to Raihan, defeating Leon is much more important. Occasionally he'll post a photo that only shows a sandstorm.